Tatyana Kleyn



Lessons from a Dual Language Bilingual School: Celebrando una década de Dos Puentes Elementary

This edited book showcases the lessons, successes and challenges of starting and growing a fully bilingual school. Reflecting on the first ten years of Dos Puentes Elementary School in New York City, it explores the evolution of the school through its four founding pillars: 1) bilingüismo, biliteracidad y multiculturalismo, 2) las familias son partners, leaders and advocates, 3) investigaciones and hands-on learning, and 4) partnerships with universities, organizations y la comunidad. The chapter authors include families, teachers, school administrators and university partners, centering the voices of those directly involved in the school community and highlighting key moments in the life of the school. At the end of each chapter, researcher commentary contextualizes these experiences within wider literature and discusses implications and next steps for the field of bilingual education. This book will be of interest to pre- and in-service teachers and school administrators, particularly those looking to develop bilingual programs in their own context.

Historias migratorias y educativas de estudiantes transfronterizos entre Estados Unidos y México

Este libro aborda el tema de la migración cíclica de niños y jóvenes para continuar su escolaridad a nivel primaria, secundaria, bachillerato y universidad en México, concretamente en el estado de Oaxaca. En este proceso, los estudiantes y sus familias experimentan situaciones personales, sociales, económicas, etc,  que afectan profundamente sus vidas, algunas veces para bien y otras no. Las historias presentadas ayudan a entender, desde las voces de los niños, jóvenes y familias, la complejidad de regresar a México e integrarse a un sistema educativo distinto al que estaban acostumbrados y adaptados. El libro, al abarcar los distintos niveles educativos, puede apoyar a los docentes a incrementar el entendimiento de esta situación migratoria, no desde los números, si no desde una mirada  personal, social, familiar y educativa. El último capítulo ofrece estrategias pedagógicas que ayudan a proporcionar una enseñanza tomando en consideración los saberes lingüísticos y culturales que estos estudiantes poseen. Las fotografías integradas en el libro proporcionan una visión más cercana de los niños, jóvenes y sus familias.

Living, Learning, and Languaging Across Borders: Students Between the US and Mexico

Migration is not a linear process, but a complex and cyclical phenomenon. This is especially true between the US and Mexico, neighboring nations that share a contentious border and history, which has only intensified under the Trump administration. More Mexicans living in the US without authorization have returned to their country of origin than the reverse between 2010-2014 (Gonzalez-Barrera, 2015). As a result, children and youth who were either born in the US or brought to the US as young children, and raised there by undocumented parents, are finding themselves in Mexico. It is a country they do not know or remember, yet it is their new reality. This book will delve into the lives of elementary, secondary and tertiary students, in the southern state of Oaxaca, to better understand their experiences across borders with respect to identity, education and language practices (back) in Mexico. The stories of these students, as well as of their families and educators, will be told through text and black and white photographs to show how migration policies – or the absence of them – impact individuals in powerful and life-changing ways.


Translanguaging with Multilingual Students: Learning from Classroom Moments

Looking closely at what happens when translanguaging is actively taken up to teach emergent bilingual students across different contexts, this book focuses on how it is already happening in classrooms as well as how it can be implemented as a pedagogical orientation. It extends theoretical understandings of the concept and highlights its promises and challenges. Using a Transformative Action Research design, six empirically grounded ethnographic case studies describe how translanguaging is used in lesson designs and in the spontaneous moves made by teachers and students during specific teaching moments. The cases shed light on two questions: How, when, and why is translanguaging taken up or resisted by students and teachers? What does its use mean for them? Although grounded in a U.S. context, and specifically in classrooms in New York State, Translanguaging with Multilingual Students links findings and theories to different global contexts to offer important lessons for educators worldwide.


Teaching in Two Languages: A Guide for K-12 Bilingual Educators

A hands-on practitioner's guide to the challenges of teaching bilingually to the ever-growing population of English Language Learners (ELLs) in today's schools.

This invaluable resource addresses emerging models of bilingual education such as two-way immersion and heritage language programmes, in addition to programme models that are limited to serving ELLs. Sharon Adelman Reyes and Tatyana Kleyn have organized the book around essential questions asked by practicing teachers and backed up by compelling vignettes based on actual schools and teachers across the U.S.


Immigration: The Ultimate Teen Guide

As the future of our democratic society, youth from U.S.-born and immigrant backgrounds alike will need to make informed decisions on our diverse nation's behalf. To do so, young adults need to be provided with access to accurate information and varied perspectives about immigration. In Immigration: The Ultimate Teen Guide, Tatyana Kleyn (an immigrant herself) examines the myths and realities of immigration, as well as the laws and policies that regulate it. She explores a number of issues associated with immigration, including cultural clashes and discrimination, the debate on language, undocumented immigrants, and what it means to be an American.

The book includes an overview of the nation's history with immigration, definitions of relevant terms, and recent statistical and demographic information. It also discusses why and how many immigrants make the journey to the United States. Other aspects the book addresses include undocumented immigrants and refugees/asylees, laws and policies that either support or hinder immigration, and how young immigrants can reconcile their competing identities.

Aiming to generate a discussion on immigration with factual and contemporary information, real life stories, experiences, and quotes from teenagers and young adults, Immigration: The Ultimate Teen Guide presents a comprehensive and engaging approach to informing readers about the varied ways immigration is experienced, viewed, and disputed.

Access the accompanying curriculum: Immigration: Stories, Struggles and Debates



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