I have taught the following undergraduate, masters, and doctoral level courses in the Bilingual Education & TESOL Programs at CCNY as well as in the Urban Education Program at the CUNY Graduate Center.
Education That Is Multicultural
This course pushes students to reconsider personal assumptions and beliefs about diversity, and analyze how schools and society at large have set-up inequitable opportunities for certain groups while maintaining the privilege of others. The course considers teaching as a political activity and explores ways for educators to “teach against the grain” through culturally and locally relevant pedagogy. (EDCE 5700C)
* EDCE 5700C has run over the winter session (January) as a study abroad course in Oaxaca, Mexico. The course included grads and undergrads across CUNY, as well as students in different majors.
Bilingual Student Teaching Seminar and Supervision
This weekly seminar addresses applications of the principles of teaching to all aspects of the curriculum: understandings and skills to plan a coherent and integrated curriculum; assessment systems that inform teaching and support student learning; developing classroom structures, routines, teaching strategies and skills that build community and maintain discipline with a range of learners. Special emphasis is given to match instruction approaches with the needs and interests of diverse learners as well as how to build a respectful and productive classroom environment and effective home-school relations. (EDCE 41600 & 7502G)
Research Seminar in Teaching Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Students
Candidates will complete a capstone masters project guided by a research question related to their teaching practices that extends their understanding and application of content in the program. Candidates will review the literature, create a small-scale study, which they will conduct, and present their findings and implications. (EDCE 2205I)
Theories, Policies and Programs for Emergent Bilingual Students
This course explores the historical background, policies, approaches and theoretical foundations of bilingual education and other educational programs for immigrant, bilingual and language minoritized students. It also considers the social, cultural, political and economic context that surrounds the education of immigrant students in urban schools. (EDCE 5300C)
Methods of Teaching English as a Second Language
This course explores TESOL methodologies and research to inform the teaching of English as a new language (ENL) in grades K-6. Students will examine historical influences, guiding principles, research, and varied methodologies that have shaped the way in which English as a new language is taught in U.S. schools today. Through this exploration of methods for use across both English and the home language continua, students will determine appropriate language materials, instructional technology, translanguaging strategies, environmental supports, and effective ENL service models to differentiate for the diverse listening, speaking, reading, and writing needs of their emergent bilingual students. (EDCE 5400C)
Immigration and the Intersection of Education, Law & Psychology
Co-taught at the CUNY Grad Center with Profs. Adeyinka Akinsulure-Smith & Stephanie Delia Migration is a phenomenon that is addressed in different fields, yet through a singular lens which can be insufficient to fully grasp its interconnectivity and complexity. This course will focus on contemporary immigration issues within the US context through an innovative and integrated co-teaching approach that brings together the areas of education, law and psychology. Cases across diverse immigrant subgroups will provide the basis from which to better understand the immigrant experiences and the role of each field. Students from various disciplines will work in teams to create community-based immigration projects as a way to connect theory to local NYC practices and realities. This course aims to build bridges across fields and students to go beyond traditional boundaries in academia. (U ED 71100)