Curriculum & Guides 


Still Living Undocumented: High School College and Beyond Teaching and Resource Guide

The guide has a series of three lessons to prepare students to view the Still Living Undocumented film, reflect on the how the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program has impacted some individuals and left others out of its reach and then consider new policies or programs for immigration reform. There are also local and national resources for undocumented students, families and their educators.


Living Undocumented High, School College, and Beyond Lesson Plan and Resource Guide

To prepare students to view the first Living Undocumented film and grapple with the content, we created an accompanying anticipatory guide in English and Spanish, although we hope educators will encourage students to discuss the content across their home languages. The guide also includes a set of immigration-focused resources for educators and students. 


Una Vida, Dos Países Film Bilingual Curriculum in English and Spanish

The film Una Vida, Dos Países was created to serve as an educational tool for students across nations. However, a film alone is not sufficient; students need time to think about the reasons behind the movement of people across borders, and the implications of those migrations. This bilingual curriculum that accompanies the film consists of five lessons. They include an introduction to the film and lessons on identity, languages, economics, policies and final project options. The curriculum was developed by graduate students at The City College of New York.


Guía de Apoyo a Docentes con Estudiantes Transfronterizos: Alumnos de Educación Básica y Media Superior [Guide to Support Teachers of Transborder Students: Primary and Secondary Students]

Para apoyar a los docentes que tengan alumnos transfronterizos en sus salones, es imprescindible conocer las historias de vida de los estudiantes. Así mismo, es necesario identificar cuáles pueden ser sus fortalezas y necesidades para poder guiarlos en el proceso de adaptación. Esta guía fue creada para docentes por los estudiantes transfronterizos del CETis 124, un bachillerato ubicado en Tlacolula, Oaxaca y por estudiantes de la Universidad Autónoma “Benito Juárez” de Oaxaca (UABJO) en México. La guía que está dividida en cuatro secciones: 

I. The New Dreamers: Historias 
II. Apoyo Socio Emocional 
III. Pedagogía en Español 
IV. English Growth (Desarrollo Pedagógico en el Idioma Inglés) 


Social Justice and Latinos in New York City: 1913-2013 Curriculum

This curriculum puts Latinx communities at the center and celebrates their history, activism and impact on life in NYC, the United States and beyond. It was done in collaboration with El Diario/La Prensa during its centennial anniversary as the nation’s longest publishing daily Spanish-language newspaper. The curriculum was created by graduate students at the City College of New York. The unit is intended for secondary students of various ethnic and linguistic backgrounds, as we are all Americans who require better understanding of our own diversity.


Immigration: Stories, Struggles and Debates Companion Curriculum

The Immigration: Stories, Struggles and Debates curriculum is the companion curriculum for Immigration: The Ultimate Teen Guide. This unit is designed for high school students and offers lesson plans on various topics related to immigration issues, including current policy debates, the role of the media in shaping perceptions on immigration, and diverse immigrant experiences within the United States. The unit was created in collaboration with students from Teachers College, Columbia University.